Quick & Hassle free FSSAI Registration for your business @ 999/-
We help in smooth and convenient registration of FSSAI for your business without any fuss.
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FSSAI stands for Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, It consists of two authorities one being centre and other being state. These authorities are governed by rules and regulation laid down under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. This act is designed to regulate manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import of food in order to ensure safe and wholesome food for human consumption.
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List of Documents that are required to proceed with this service package are
Food License Registration is an Authority / License granted to Food Business Operators to carry on their business in accordance with the guidelines of FSS Act,2006. This Registration is granted by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India.
The Registration to FBO’s is granted under three categories depending on its turnover & nature of operations.This Registration regulates Food Safety,hygiene & quality standards which have to be met by the FBO’s.
As per Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 Food License Registration is a mandatory registration required by all Food Business Operators (FBO’s) in carrying out there activity. Irrespective of type, nature, category and turnover of Food business operator this registration would be deemed mandatory before starting their business.
Food Business Operator’s in general include
- All types of Food Manufacturers
- Food Packaging unit
- Food Storage unit
- Wholesale food business operators
- Food Traders
- Online Food Business Operator
- Caters or Hotel
- Raw food material suppliers
- Exporter and Importer of food products
- Food products Transporter and Distributors
- Food Product retailers.
Food License can be obtained under any of the three categories:
- Basic FSSAI Registration : This registration is aimed to cover petty and small food business operators, FBO’s whose business turnover is under Rs.12 lacs would be covered and become eligible for obtaining registration under this category.Mostly petty retailers, Hawkers & temporary stalls will be covered under this category.
- State FSSAI License : This registration is suitable for medium scale food business operators, FBO’s whose business turnover is greater than Rs.12 lacs and less than Rs.2 crore would get covered under this category. Wide range of businesses get covered under this category and is a noteable registration among the business houses.
- Central FSSAI License : This registration is intended to cover large businesses and those businesses who are engaged in import and export of food.FBO’s whose turnover exceeds Rs.2 crore and who are engaged in import and export activity should mandatorily register under this category.
Documents for New FSSAI Registration Food License Certificate
- Photograph of the Applicant
- Government-issued photo identities
- Proof of Address of Businesses activity
Documents for FSSAI Food License State and Central License
- Form-B
- Address proof for the production site
- Production site layout
- Proof of premises rent
- Business certificate
- Factory license (if any)
- Power details for the unit
- Contacts for partners, directors, members
- ID and address proof for managers or signers
- Water test report from a certified lab
- Form IX (if you’re nominated by the business owner)
- NOC from the manufacturer
- List of food items to be made
- Food safety management plan
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